Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Hello and welcome to my blog!

I've attempted blogging in the past and want to make a more serious attempt this time around. There are a few things that I really liked about blogging in the past.

  1. I get to practice writing. My typical day involves writing for the legally minded and under the critical eye of the courts. Essentially, it takes all the fun out of writing and blogging is a new writing outlet for me.
  2. It's a creative outlet. In terms of how to set up my blog and the content that I create. It also encourages me to be creative in the real world and not just get wrapped up in the daily grind.
  3. It keeps me accountable. I think it'll be great to look through previous posts and to see how far I've come. Whether it be in terms of home renovations, exercise or numerous other outlets in life. It also keeps those pesky unfinished projects undercontrol.
  4. It's a learning opportunity. I use the computer everyday for work, but that is mainly working in word or excel. Blogging will allow me to learn so much more outside of my normal routine!
I think that is a pretty diverse list for what will be a pretty diverse blog. I think the title captures it all. For me, It's a Miscellaneous Life allows free reign to post about whatever is going on in my life or about wherever life is taking me. I'm looking forward to that journey!

Happy Reading!

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